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Tsukinoi Brewery

Whole Heart into the Organic Sake

March 24th, 2022

Let's hear what the CEO of Japanese Sake Brewery has to say about her company business. The following conversation took place in Tsukinoi Brewery Ltd., on March 24th, 2022, between Keiko Sakamoto, CEO of Tsukinoi Brewery, and Yasuhiro Tsunokake, Overseas Extension Promotion Agent from Ibaraki Small Business Global Promotion Agency.






Business Outline

Tsunokake:To begin our conversation, please tell us about the start of your business.

CEO Keiko Sakamoto

Sakamoto:Our company's inauguration took place 156 years ago, in the Edo Period's first year of Keio Era (1865). They started the brewery under the title Matsumaeya. We can trace it back to 350 years ago at the beginning of the Edo period when they manufactured Koji malt used to make Japanese Sake and Miso here in Oarai.The current company name of Tsukinoi Brewery is after the legendary Tsuki-no-I (Moon Well) in Kawasaki Daishi Temple, where it is said that the famous monk Kobo Daishi drank its water; when our First Owner of the Brewery visited the temple, he prayed for the wellbeing of the people who drink our sake and for the apotropaic magic. The name is also related to the Autumn Full Moon in the lyrics of the Iso-Bushi Song in Oarai.

Tsunokake: I wonder if a well close to the seaside contains salt water and therefore isn't suitable for sake brewing.

Sakamoto:That is one of the frequently asked questions. Our raw water comes from the nearby highland, from the underground water of a first-class river, so it contains no salt. It's relatively tasteless and odorless, very suitable for sake brewing. So please don't worry about that.

Tsunokake:I'm relieved to hear that. Now please tell us about your main products.

Sakamoto:Currently, we have three Japanese sake brands. The first one is the orthodox Tsukinoi brand, a traditionally brewed sake. The second is the organic Nanotsuki brand, using organic rice and is brewed in the ancient method of Kimoto making. And the third one is the local sake Hikoichi brand, brewed in the total local consistency.

Tsunokake:Please tell us more about the brewing method of Kimoto making.

Moto-making, the basis of Kimoto-making method

Sakamoto:Kimoto making is a brewing method widely practiced in the Edo and Meiji eras (late 17th to early 20th century). The current mainstream brewing method is Ordinary Quick Starter which uses ready-made yeast and lactic acid to make the yeast starter. As for Kimoto making, we use the yeast and lactic acid native and unique to the brewing factory room and let them naturally ferment to make the yeast starter.

Tsunokake:Aren't there many breweries that adopt this Kimoto-making method?

Sakamoto:I'm afraid not. Kimoto making takes time and effort and also has a risk of failure. The Ordinary Quick Starter method takes only two weeks to make the yeast starter, which is half the period required in Kimoto making. Quick Starter is a so-called revolutionary brewing method that avoids the contamination of various germs and protects sake from corruption. It also drastically reduces the labor of Kurabito, the brewing craftsmen. The modern time mainstream is to adopt this Ordinary Quick Starter method. But we hoped to create a product we can supply with confidence to the people who seek the natural way and are health conscious. By taking time and effort, we completed the organic sake Nanotsuki brand using the ultimate natural method without adding anything artificial.

Tsunokake:Could you tell us why you stick to this natural method?

Sakamoto:The reason is what happened to my late husband, the 6th Owner of our brewery. He fell ill in the prime of his working days. That's why we once again returned to the spirit of our First Owner of Tsukinoi Brewery to think first of the health of the people who drink sake. We are determined to work on healthy organic sake. My husband talked with Toji, the director of craftsmen, and Kurabito, the brewing artisans, who initially were not enthusiastic about the organic brewing. Then they all worked together to create the first organic sake Nanotsuki. The label on the Nanotsuki bottle has my husband's letters written with a brush just before he died. We still use the letters to remember his wish.



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